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1. Event Introduction

Focus Cosplay is a private Cosplay Photography event, accessible only after selection. It is a non-profit event, but entry is charged to cover organizational costs.

The event will take place from 13th of September to 15th of September 2024 in “La ferme intention”, belonging to the Grand Cerf Camping in Gimouille, near Nevers and in these surroundings. For this first edition, the event will be limited to approximately 110 participating cosplayers and photographers all together.

2. Calendar 2024

a. Thursday 29th of February : The event will be announced on social networks.

b. Monday 8th April : The application form will open on the event's website.

c. Sunday 28th of April : Closure of the registrations

d. Wednesday 15 of May : Announcement of the selected participants for Focus 2024. Each of the applications will be examined by the organizers according to criteria which will remain at the discretion of the organization. An email will be sent to all those selected to announce the good news and indicate the procedure to pay the registration fee of €30 in order to confirm their presence.

e. Saturday 1st of June : Deadline for each participant to validate their presence. Please note that after this date, anyone who has not paid their registration fees will be considered to have canceled their acceptance and the place will be offered to the next candidate in line.

f. Friday 7th of June : Announcement of participants on the official website and invitation of them to available discussion groups This will allow them to more easily receive official information about the event, and to exchange with other participants details to organize their photoshoots during the event.

g. Friday 14th of June : After the validation of the participants , an assistant registration form will be sent to participants and they will have until the date mentioned to register their assistant. The participation fees of the assistants will then be requested at the same time, for the amount of 30€. Each participant is entitled up to three assistants.

h. Sunday 15th of August : Closure of registration for the assistants

3. Event Schedule

a. Thursday 12th of September : 

      1. 4pm : Opening of the information point for registration and collection of badges.
      2. 8pm : Closing of the information point.

b. Friday 13th September :

      1. 9am : Opening of the information point for registration and collection of badges.
      2. 9am : Opening of the places under surveillance (check the location page to get the individual opening hours)

c. Saturday 14th of September :

      1. 9am : Opening of information point
      2. 1pm : Group photo ( Mandatory )
      3. 7pm : Closing of the information point
      4. 8pm : Evening at “La ferme intention” , more information to come

d. Sunday 15th of September :

      1. 9am : Opening of information point
      2. 7pm : Closing of the information point
4. Focus Cosplay

As part of the event, the organization facilitates your access to places which will be accessible to you on presentation of a valid badge during the event period. Some places will be public and may be open to visitors, other places will be private and may or may not have exclusive access for the event. Only participants (cosplayers and photographers) as well as assistants will be allowed on the photoshoots. An interactive map will be available, allowing you to prepare your schedule in advance. Some places may require additional entrance fees. Some places may require prior reservations, mandatory or not. If the reservation isn't mandatory, the priority will be given to the persons who made a reservation. The volunteers supervising the places will have the schedule to ensure that it is respected.

Liability: under no circumstances can the organization be held liable for damage caused by participants or third parties. Participants must respect French law, as well as the various regulations of the structures in which they may be accommodated.


5. Cosplayers

As part of the event, and for its propriety, cosplayers undertake : 

a. To apply as a solo or duo for the registration. Duo of cosplayers can only do duo photoshootings, have to remain together and not book photographer separately. For duo, solo photos can only represent a minor part of the photos made during the event. Please note that it’s the duo that will be judged during the selection and not each individual. Each member of the duo will have to pay the registration fee of €30 and the duo can only have 3 assistants maximum

b. To come in cosplay and respect the cosplays scheduled in agreement with the photographers.

c. To wear decent attire outside of photoshoot locations. (this is French law).

d. Do not do nude, ‘lewd’, erotic or pornographic photoshoots. This year, the punishment will be immediate and expulsion final. It’s the good relationship we have with location owners that you deteriorate behaving this way.

e. In general, any inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. 

f. Not to make make-up aimed at reproducing the skin tone of an ethnic group other than that of the cosplayer.

g. Not to degrade the premises and return it to the state it was in before coming. 

h. To respect the schedules agreed with the photographers and to warn the photographer in case of delay or cancellation 

i. Given the non-profit aspect of the event, cosplayers undertake to distribute the work done free of charge on free access distribution platforms 

j. The sale of prints resulting from the work carried out during the event is allowed but must be carried out in agreement with the photographers. These prints must not be exclusive, but should also be available on free access social platforms 

k. To publish on social networks the photos and videos produced on the event with the Focus Cosplay logo on the content, as well as to identify the Focus Cosplay pages as well as the following hashtags #FocusCosplay and #FocusCosplay24

We remind you that it is forbidden for cosplayers to take photos themselves (except for backstage, selfies and vlogs) and to organize photoshoots with photographers who are not part of the official selection, under penalty of being expelled / banned.

As part of participating in the event, you agree to appear in videos and other posts made by the organization on social networks.

In the same way, you agree that the content produced during the event will be shared on the organization's social networks. For any other distribution of your image, a specific request will be made to you. 

A discharge of responsibility and a form must be signed by the cosplayers and returned on the day of the event in order to obtain a valid event badge which will give access to the event and its locations. 


6. Photographers


This year, photographers can come as solo or duo like cosplayers. In the same way, they undertake to remain together and to shoot the same cosplayers. Each member of the duo will have to pay the registration fee of €30 and the duo can only have 3 assistants maximum.

During the event, the most important thing is that all participants feel comfortable. No deviation from this context will be tolerated :

a. It is forbidden to take photos on the spot, without the consent of the subject

b. It is forbidden to carry out nude, lewd, erotic or pornographic photoshoots. This year, the punishment will be immediate and expulsion final. It’s the good relationship we have with location owners that you deteriorate behaving this way.

c. Whenever possible, always ask for consent before physical contact with participants

d. Do not degrade the premises and keep it clean by removing all litter or rubbish brought by yourselves 

e. Respect the schedules agreed with the cosplayers and warn in case of delay or cancellations 

f. In view of the non-profit aspect of the event, the photographers undertake to distribute the work carried out free of charge on the distribution platforms 

g. In the same way, photoshoots should not be remunerated

h. The photographer undertakes to present his work to the cosplayer concerned once any adjustments or edits have been made and prior to any distribution 

i. The photographer undertakes to send his finished work to the organization in HD.

j. The sale of print resulting from the work carried out during the event must be carried out in agreement with the cosplayers and the organizers 

k. To publish on social networks the photos and videos produced on the event with the Focus Cosplay logo on the content, as well as to identify the Focus Cosplay pages as well as the following hashtags #FocusCosplay and #FocusCosplay24

Please look to edit all expected images taken during Focus within a reasonable amount of time from the event taking place. We understand that it is necessary to take the time required to obtain the desired result, for this, the photographers have to return all the photos within 6 months. 

The use of smoke bombs is authorized only in outdoor areas validated by the organization. We will ask the photographers to warn us when using white smoke lasting more than 20 seconds at least 2 hours before (the best being to warn us in the morning or even at the beginning of the weekend) in order to warn the local authorities/rescue. The use of smoke bombs must be supervised by the presence of a fire extinguisher (ABC) on site ready for use and which must be brought by the photographer. Responsibility for the safety of any participant using a smoke bomb will be upon themselves and we request that all safety measures be taken (such as wearing gloves when handling smoke grenades). Smoke bombs once consumed should not be left behind.

Photographers undertake to provide photos / videos in HD if the organization requests it. In all cases, the photographer retains copyright and ownership of his works. However, the organization reserves the right to distribute the works produced during the event as part of the event's promotion on social networks and the Focus Cosplay website.

For other uses of the works produced during the event, a specific request will be sent to you. 

A discharge of responsibility form must be signed by the photographers and returned on the day of the event in order to obtain a valid event badge which will give access to the event and its locations. 


7. Assistants

a. Each participant is entitled to three assistant. The registration of the assistants will take place the 14th of June. Each assistant will have to pay a participation fee of 30€.

b. You will be asked to send an email to register the assistants in a second step, after the validation of the participants. This must include all the information necessary for registration. 

c. A discharge of responsibility form must be signed by the assistants and returned on the day of the event in order to obtain a valid event badge which will give access to the event. 

d. The assistants are there to accompany and help the selected (photographers or cosplayers). Now, assistants can be used as “silhouette” for photoshooting. They can wear simple outfits to appear in photos. They can’t be the main element in the photos nor being alone on it. If possible, we wish their face to be the least present of the photos. We can mention, as example, the possibility of becoming a zombie, a body on the ground or a boyfriend/girlfriend in order to appear completely or in part on the photo (leg, arm, etc.). If you have any doubt, don’t hesitate to ask the staff presenting your plan.

e. Backstage photographies and videos by the assistants are permitted and strongly encouraged.


8. ALL Participants

Participants designate all photographers, cosplayers and assistants who participate in the event.

a. Participants must be adults (+18 years old at time of registration).

b. Participants must respect the rules of the place and must not degrade the locations in any way. No waste should be left on site. 

c. Participants must respect the law in force and must behave and dress decently in public. 

d. Within the associative and voluntary framework of the event, no remuneration should be requested between the participants, only a contribution to the costs necessary for the planned photoshooting may be requested. This includes the price of entry to certain places if they are paying, the purchase of additional consumable type equipment (smoke bombs, etc.). Travel costs to the event or accommodation do not fall within this scope. 

e. Anyone who does not respect the rules herein will be sanctioned, ranging from warning to a ban. The staff is trained to identify any attempted fraud/cheating of the regulation and the sanction will be immediately collegially decided by several members of the organization. The non-compliance of the regulation may endanger the event and its next editions, it’s your duty to respect it. If you have any doubt, don’t hesitate to contact the organization.

f. In the eventuality of expulsion, the participant will have their badge withdrawn and will not be able to continue to participate in the event. In the event of permanent ban, the participant cannot be selected or even assist a selected participant in the following years 



a. As part of the selection, a certain amount of personal data will be collected when entering it in the required form(s). These will only be used within the framework of the event and potential renewals in the following years. The participant's email will only be used for important official communications and will not be shared with any third party entities . 

b. No data based on technologies for observing the activity of people will be collected or processed. 

c. No personal data will be collected from third party companies or partners. 

d. No data will be sold or exchanged with third party companies or partners. 

e. At any time, participants can send an email to contact@focuscosplay.fr to request the complete deletion of data concerning them. 


Filling the registration form will be considerate as an agreement of the present regulation for the 2024 edition.

Regulation is also available bt downloadable pdf files to read offline.